Wednesday, December 5, 2007


dynamic, explosive, interracial couples, personal longing, participation, being accepted, being subtle, being outlandish, being an oxymoron, interglacial relations, polar ice caps, beer caps, night caps, big caps, big bottles, jugs, varying volumes of water, distribution & measurement, apartheid, water pots, water  jugs, suckling, baby bottles, mugs, mug shots, low blows, wind, whistles, teapots, jobs, things that blow, blow holes, sink holes, depression, double meanings, sexual interpretations, implicit meanings, getting side tracked, being tracked, violating court orders, ordering take out, taking orders, taking names, taking the hand of one you love, quick disposals, things that can only be used once, paper dishes, condoms, bullets, my heart, q-tips, advise, getting guidance, giving guidance, misleading, misunderstanding, disentanglements, mistletoe, mistakes, outtakes, out bursts, out of order signs, outfitters, the great outdoors, the aussy out back, packing backpacks, packing lunch, packing bowls, packing heat, packing in general, stocking stuffers, oversized clothing, proportions,  spills, leaks, down pours,  downing in general, malt liquor, AA,  batteries, things made for mans convience, Taco Bell, animals that talk, vegetables that talk, arguments with your eggplant, imagining a hard boiled egg morphing and sprouting roots and pedals, oddities, odd balls, taboo, separation, isolation, mutation, morphation, growth in general, comparing baby pictures with funeral pictures, cribs with coffins, robbing the cradle, couples, couple therapy, couple dynamics, group dynamics

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