Wednesday, October 1, 2008

good quotes from Wizard People we can remember off hand (a work in progress)

"after many a wine out of nowhere spell..."
"before realizing that harry is a boy, and probably his hair is real..."
"without it's usual gravy lube"
"it is a play! a tragic comedy! the lament of roast beefy a weefy! the porkums family is hit palpably with shame..."
"the oldest wizard in the books! he walks with dignity, despite his age and attire"
"a sad display"
"and was drunk every day before noon"
"BLAM!BLAM!BLAM! at the door"
"A wall of a man!"
"With the oil of olivier"
""Hello haggar, hello haggar, HELLO hagar!"
"I've got harry freaking potter with me and were doin some shoppin!"
"complex upon complex!"
"the wretched harmony!"
"clever turnips"
and then i got tired of this list (and that was pretty much all the good ones any way)

1 comment:

xtalcase said...

"Bad ass man-horse"
"That Snitch is Harry's desire, his fucking life. Harry knows what he has to do, and I'd warn God himself not to get in the way."
"Now, the most hideous boy in the world has the ball. He has a lumber pile in his mouth that he is calling teeth, and he is a mean S.O.B."
"'Fuuuck! Fuckin' shit!' says Harry. Harry is all but Hulking out at this point"
"Mouthoil is overjoyed, Snake continues her magical broom shaking, and Harry yells fuckword after fuckword."
"Harry has gained control and is after that Snitch like a fucking rocket. Ziff! That Slytherin Seeker has been after it for a while, but I feel bad for him, because he is stupid, and Harry is a rocketized animal who will stop at nothing."
"Yes, they're going to crash, but Harry loves death. He says, 'Bring it on.'"
"Oh my God! Is Harry going to vomit? Of course not! Like a viper, Harry used his voracious mouth as his catcher. He's got that Snitch in his animal belly, and Pop! it is out! They've won! One hundred thousand points for fucking Gryffindor!"